Lindsay News

Lindsay News:

Lindsay continues her theatrical pursuits; having appeared in “Annie” last year in Ipswich, and been the lead (John Adams) in “1776” at Masconomet Jr High, she just finished a short film in which she was murdered in a most gruesome manner (depicted with the help of generous quantities of ketchup and liver from Stop & Shop), as part of Masco Sr High’s very first 3-part student film festival.  She’ll soon be in production for “Tommy,” the Who’s rock opera (for which she’ll need to hone her dancing skills and sing in a bit more raw style than normally), and in February is off to New York to see how the pro’s do it on Broadway.  Thanks to Mr West at Masco – who’s the force behind Masco’s great theatre arts program!!  And to Mr Ocock, who’s been instrumental (no pun intended) in helping Lindsay develop her voice and her confidence!!

School is going well – GSA is great; and Lindsay hopes one day to be at least 5 feet tall and 100 pounds – but there are more immediate goals!