
2010-12 Update: Economy tanked, as did McCain and Romney. The 47% Romney feared ended up being about 51% of the electorate and he got skunked Voters selflessly want 2% of the people to pay 100% of all the increased taxes that – sadly – won’t go to deficit reduction but will simply spur more spending. Old story that one day will end very badly for all….

Serious Things

The following article will appear as part of a book to be entitled “The Case For Assisted Suicide,” edited by Dr Timothy Quill and Prof. Margaret Battin, to be published by Johns Hopkins University Press.  It was written by Charles Baron, Professor at Boston College Law School, a much valued teacher and friend, who concentrates his research…

Lindsay News

Lindsay continues her theatrical pursuits; having appeared in “Annie” last year in Ipswich, and been the lead (John Adams) in “1776” at Masconomet Jr High, she just finished a short film in which she was murdered in a most gruesome manner (depicted with the help of generous quantities of ketchup and liver from Stop & Shop), as part of…

Home – Original

Although statistically insignificant, we occasionally are interesting – witness the discovery (circa 1994) that we are related, albeit distantly, to other people. The picture illustrates how when travelling we reduce ourselves to two-thirds normal size, strut like air-head runway models and wear outlandish clothes and matching sunglasses (red for males), so as to be unrecognizable to anyone but each other and frightening to strangers….