
Miscellaneous Nuggets and Jewels

2010-12 Update:  Economy tanked, as did McCain and Romney.  The 47% Romney feared ended up being about 51% of the electorate and he got skunked.  Voters selflessly want 2% of the people to pay 100% of all the increased taxes that – sadly – won’t go to deficit reduction but will simply spur more spending.  Old story that one day will end very badly for all.

Lindsay left BC in May ’11 with a BA in English & German, summa, phi beta kappa, etc., and has since then lived in Germany, teaching first at a boarding school near Heppenheim (near France) and now – on a Fulbright Fellowship – at a public school in Beeskow (near Poland).  She’ll rejoin the family full-time in June as she decides on her next step – likely a combined MFA-writing and info sci degree, hopefully from a school not too far away.

Amy graduated from Clark in May ’12 and is home for a while, before pushing on to greener pastures, likely in NYC.  Nice to have her back, if only for a short while.

Luke is a junior at Clark, majoring in Comp Sci, hoping to design video games one day.  He’s asleep upstairs now, as over XMas break he plays online games of some sort with friends and strangers all night.  Look forward to bumping into him at some point before he heads back to Worcester.

Elena’s having a fine time as a soph at Mt Holyoke, acting, singing, acing exams, eating at the Rt 9 Diner and driving her friends around in her cool little Sonata. 

Dad (a/k/a Weave Wyman) abides in his abode, lawyering, writing, spending not enough time at the gym and – like the folks of Our Town – awaiting the coming of something big – Season III of Downton Abbey!!!

More when – and if – it happens. 

2009-10 Omnibus Update:  Lots of things happened, but I’ve fallen so far behind in reporting, not sure I can remember most of them.  Let’s see, Lindsay continues to excel at BC, where she’ll be a senior this fall.  She spent last summer/fall at Lancaster University in England, focusing on their creative writing/english curriculum; dad visited her  in September, where they spent a wonderful week mostly in London, but also in Oxford(shire).  Lins returns for one final stint as a counselor at the Pingree Summer Camp in Hamilton. 

Amy will be a junior at Clark U, where she’s majoring in History & Poli Sci; perhaps off to London in spring ’11, but subject to change.  Home for summer and working at my office.

Luke finished at Masco in June and in the fall joins Amy at Clark, majoring in Computer Sci and perhaps English; spending much of the summer asleep in the air conditined comfort of his bedroom, we think.

Elena heads into her final year at Masco after a summer working at the Topsfield bagel shop/bakery.  She continues to hang with her posse of largely agreeable young people.

Amy Lin replaced last year by 17′ Whaler Montauk center console – great, basic boat for in-shore frolics.  Trying valet rack storage this summer after last summer’s trailering odyssey – working very well thus far.

Pets all more or less healthy and accounted for, but time marches on…

Looking forward to a very interesting summer of pool time, boat time, gardening time and special time with new friends.

Summer ’08 – Rainy and DoneSummer, such as it was, came and went, as did Lindsay and Amy, with Lins back to BC and a happy dorm ensconcement on main campus (no more Newton Campus shuttle buses), and Amy to Clark, where she’s figuring out classes and life in more or less equal measure.  Sure does make the house quiet, with just Luke and Elena still in residence and separately computerized, leaving little to yell about or fight over.  Lins ponders a junior year spent abroad or in a local apartment, and finds Europe doubling appealing, and with an imploding Euro she might just get  there. Amy still seeks the nicer parts of Worcester – she’s been assured they exist, but as with the Straits of Magellan, they require some epic searching. 

Luke and Elena are marching through high school at Masconomet, with many honors courses keeping either or both up way past Dad’s bedtime during the week.  Fortunately, Luke recovers by sleeping rougly 80% of the weekend, and Elena keeps her caffeine-laden apples at the ready.  Tough being a high school student these days – the world not only is flat, it is intrusive, demanding and altogether too insistent for kids to take their place as anxious college applicants and patriotic taxpayers-in-the-making.  A far cry from the endless, dusty summers and PDA-free childhoods of Scout, Jem and Dill…     

One Month BC:  Lindsay returned home from a stellar year at BC, where she outdid dear old Dad in the GPA department (would it be unchivalrous to note the possibility of grade inflation in the centuries since he graduated?), participated in two choral groups, including one which sings mostly in Middle Ages Latin, and got off to a strong start toward her intended English-German double major.  It’s  now on to one or two community theatre shows, beginning with Once Upon This Island at the Emerson Center in June, and then back for another season as a counselor at the Pingree Summer Camp.

Amy Off to College: Though two schools remain to be heard from definitively (in this, the Year of the Wait List), Amy seems to be on a trajectory to land her at Clark University come the fall – a great small school in Worcester, where she’ll major in …………… and probably not come home quite as often as Lins!  Gonna miss you – 2 down and to 2 yet to evict!

Since the Spring:  Let’s see what’s been happening – Lindsay spent another summer providing daily entertainment and moral guidance to the “Little Wonders” at Pingree Summer Camp, and then matriculated at BC, where she’s majoring in music and english, singing in the University Chorale (first concert was with the Boston Pops directed by John Williams) and looking forward to Christmas break to catch up with all her away at college cronies; Amy is editing the “Exit 51” literary magazine at high school, while agonizing over college applications and her remaining SAT2 exams; Luke is burning up the fields for the Cross Country team and carrying 4 honors courses, while spending his free time eating all Dad’s Pop Tarts (8 in a 24-hour period, no less) and engaging in paramilitary maneuvers with his PelletSoft co-warriors; and Elena is doing alot of studying between rehearsals for “The Sound of Musc,” Masco’s fall theatre production, in which she will play one of those dour but highly musical nuns from the local Abbey.  Dad spends his free time trying to keep the lawn clear of leaves – it is, for now, a losing battle.  Can’t wait for the pool to open in May!!

Lindsay Earns Curtain Call at Baccalaureate:  Lindsay’s wonderful performance of “As if we Never Said Goodbye” at the Baccalaureate, pre-graduation ceremony on June 5th was well received by the standing room only crowd of more than 600, and earned her a rare curtain call.  She continues to make her family very proud!!  Only three more days, and events, till graduation!!

Elena Elected to Junior Nat’l Honor Society:  Congratulations to Elena on being elected to the Junior National Honor Society.  Great work!!

Lindsay Recital:  Lindsay gives her final high school recital, a 1/2 hour solo program of classical songs, on May 24th, 7:30 pm, at the Masco Ryder Organ Studio.   

Lindsay off to BC:  Congratulations to Lindsay on her decision to attend Boston College this fall, where she will add immeasurably to the quality of the English, Theatre and Music departments, while detracting slightly from the average height of the freshman class.   Broadway and the book trade will have to wait a few years for Lins’ arrival.    

Lucas the Speedster:  Luke has jumped feetfirst into track this year, doing very well as a freshman, and his father hopes that aspirations to reduce wind drag may prompt a long overdue haircut!!!  Well done, Lukie!

Into the Woods a Triumph!:  Lindsay, Elena and many talented and dedicated friends transformed three months of rehearsals and set creation into a great production of Sondheim’s classic musical.  Lindsay was a terrific witch, transformed from prosthetically-enhanced old hag into beautiful young lady, injecting humor and cold-eyed pragmatism into the masterfully interwoven fairly tales, colliding in the woods of life.  Elena was a lovely Sleeping Beauty, chorus member and indispensable stage hand.  Next stop, The Mouse Trap – music replaced by intrigue.

Fun at the Fair:  Some of us ventured forth and had  a GREAT time at the umpteenth Topsfield Fair, enjoying warm sun and an overflowing smorgasbord of flora, fauna, art, farm equipment, midway barkers, miscellaneous hawkers and high cholesterol goodies.  Love the rural life in the middle of Essex County!

Farewell to the Amy Lin: After 16 seasons of loyal and reliable service, we have parted company with our beloved Grady-White cabin cruiser, named for Amelia and Lindsay (ironic as Amy suffers terrible motion sickness and seldom ventured out on her namesake). Over the years she took us safely and speedily to and from P-Town, Eastham, Falmouth, Woods Hole, the Elizabeth Islands, Hampton Beach, the Isles of Shoals and Kennebunkport. She was and is a great boat, and we wish her new owners the best of luck with her, at her new berth in Salem. Her registration # MS 51 V is likely to live on attached to a newer, smaller vessel in time. In the interim, our kayak and inflatable dinghy must satisfy our seagoing imperative.

Lindsay & Elena are NELO Rising Stars: Lindsay and Elena will appear July 25th and 26th in a broadway revue sponsored by New England Light Opera, performing at the Congregational Church in Topsfield. Elena solos “Popular” from Wicked, while Lindsay playfully displays her amazing soprana voice in Poor Wandering One from Pirates (I think).

Lindsay Hits the Road (but hopefully nothing else): Lindsay is finishing up Drivers Ed (Masco’s last driver’s ed student no less) so she can get her license and use her new (to her anyway) Volvo 850!

April Droughts Bring May – Swimmin’ Pools: Well, it may not have the Grecian grandiosity of the Clampetts’ Beverly Hills “Ceeement Pond,” but our more humble backyard swimmin’ hole finally is taking shape, with the liner installed and water coming in by truck and from the grey skies. Hopefully soon the bomb crater-like piles of dirt and loam will be returned to their proper place and the plumbing, patio and fencing will be completed, all in time for a somewhat delayed birthday party for Lindsay!

Recent Lindsay News: SAT’s behind her, Lindsay marches forward with several solo recital performances in May, plus rehearsals for Pirates of Penzance and Jekyll & Hyde. Recently, Lindsay has (i) appeared in the Masco Production of “The Boys Next Door, (ii) delivered stunningly lovely solos in several concerts, (iii) not done nearly enough practice driving, and (iv) as of April 10, 2006, da da-da da, turned 18!! Happy Birthday Lins!! Lindsay will once again be a counselor at the Pingree School Summer Camp.

Amy News: New IPOD to the rescue of the worn-out inaugural model (had I only bought Apple stock when the Amster started begging for her first IPOD). Now a certified first responder! Ready to help out in an emergency, unless it involves her brother!

Luke News: Holding his own in various dark and gratuitously bloody interactive internet video games, complete with headset with mike and dual screen controls – impressive in its high-tech way, but weird. Lucas actually awkened, on his own, before noon, two Saturdays in March; not viewed as a trend, just a welcome aberration.

Elena News: High Honors for Miss Elena – all A’s at Masco!! Spring concert performance, plus thoughts of performing in Moonlight’s production of Pirates of Penzance in June! Cool.

A well-deserved honor for Lindsay: Lindsay has been inducted into the National Honor Society, Class of 2007, Masconomet High School, in recognition of her brain, her voice, her acting ability and most of all her heart. As always, way to go Lins!!

Coming Soon – VIDEO: Another technical breakthrough for our humble family site – video postings. Check back in (semi) early 2006 to see clips of the Eimerts at play – Lucas shirtless and (likely) shoeless prancing on our snow-encrusted lawn, wielding a rather sophisticated (and outlandishly expensive) light saber – never has a fluorescent light looked this dramatically …. weird. And then we hope to bring you clips of Lindsay and Elena singing and/or acting, and Amelia doing her thang. And we don’t even charge for this stuff! Won’t find this melange on Sirius or XM.

Another Lovely Vacation Come and Gone: Various, rotating portions of the Eimert family enjoyed a spectacular last two weeks in July on Cape Cod, venturing out from their home base in Eastham to ride the bike trail, kayak in Town Cove, Salt Pond and Rock Harbor/CC Bay, play middle-aged singles tennis, catch Orleans Cardinals Cape League baseball, be astonished at the number of favorite old restaurants which have inexplicably closed, and generally luxuriate in the sun, surf and salt air. And yes, P-Town is cheesier than ever. If only we could eliminate the video game/DVD/TV component, we’d ALL have a great time!

Lindsay Eimert – Camp Counsellor Extraordinaire: Lindsay returns for another season at the Pingree School Summer Camp in Hamilton, MA. Undoubtedly the best part of her 6-9 year olds’ summer!! Mommy will be very happy once Lindsay has her license and own car!

Elena is Annie!! and Lindsay her Tormenting Miss Hannigan: May 19-22, 2005 marked the debut of Elena in a lead role, that of Annie the lovable orphan, at the North Shore JCC’s production of “ANNIE” at the Salem High School. Singing and mugging her way into the hearts of an enthusiastic audience, Elena was joined by big sister Lindsay and a gaggle of very cute kids in this fun production.

For local coverage of our talented “Sister Act,” go to

Sasha the Puerto Rican Wonderdog Arrives 12/29/04: Ending 2004 on a high note, which was immeasurably saddened with the loss of our beloved yellow lab Alden in July, we were fortunate to welcome Sasha, an 8-month old white and black spaniel mix, airlifted from Puerto Rico (where she lived as a stray from birth) less than a week ago. Despite her understandable initial shyness, particularly around males, she has within a day bonded with the girls and fit into the ever-shifting hierarchy of the Eimert menagerie of dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters and the occasional field mouse. Welcome Sasha – you may not yet know it, but you are home.

What a foul election! Don’t want this every four years. Nasty, trivial, superficial, outrageously expensive and petty campaigns all around. Nice to actually have a clear winner this time, but beyond that a colossal waste of money and air. Kerry had three positions on every issue, articulated precisely and backstopped by an undisclosed “plan” (such as the one which Sen Edwards apparently had to resurrect Chris Reeve and make him walk). While the Prez could not articulate any positions other than belief in God, the family, tax cuts for the rich and “hard, hard work.” How I miss Nixon!!

Red Sox do it. I guess I can die now, and likely will, what with the Sox cruising to a World (as used in the US, “world” means the US) Championship. Now the fun part – reassemble a solid team for next year – here’s a start – (i) let Pedro and his $17mm salary take a walk to the Nat’l League, (ii) try to sign Lowe (who may have located his head along with the plate and a reliable sinker during the post-season), (iii) add a starter under 30, and (iv) sort out who’ll play second. Not a guarantee of anything, but can’t do much harm given the options. Also, Sox should invest any leftover $$ toward research on cloning Schilling!

RIP Mr President: 93 years into a life that was as remarkable as it was implausible, Ronald Reagan’s strong heart finally rested. As the remorseless grip of Alzheimer’s disease finally relented, we were reminded through images and testaments of the hopeful and resolute soul within that extraordinary man. Five hours in a procession of thousands on a warm night brought me to the President’s casket, under the Capitol dome. There, in a perfect stillness of profound respect, I added my parting salute to those of millions, all of us sensing the passing into history of a good man, whose legacy will be so much more than a bright smile and jaunty wave.

Back From Sunny Florida: Fun if not restful school vacation week at DisneyWorld – lots to do and more we couldn’t fit in despite five 12-14 hour marathon days at the various parks. Splash Mountain was uncharacteristically dry due to recurring technical difficulties, which wiped out several fast pass reservations to drop 50 feet at a 40 degree angle (what a shame!), and even with fast passes the wait to line up to ride TestTrack at Epcot was five hours. But overall a good time was had by all (or at least most, most of the time). Old standbys such as Thunder Mountain and the Haunted Mansion picked up the slack nicely, and the various shows were as always terrific. And for next April school vacation? Yard work, bowling and lots of movies – right at home!

Chief CIA Weapons Inspector Resigns to Take on New WMD Hunt: David Kay, former lead WMD inspector for CIA in Iraq, has resigned to assume a new mission – to ascertain whether Sen John Kerry’s face contains WMDs (wrinkle masking drugs/devices). Suspicions of botox or other cosmetic procedures have arisen based on a recent and dramatic change in the Junior Senator’s appearance:

February, 2003: and January, 2004:

While reports from other intelligence organizations, including the National Inquirer and the Star, are convinced of the truth of these allegations, they do not wish to make the same mistake the CIA did about WMD in Iraq. Accordingly, they plan to send in Mr Kay to do an exhaustive investigation, including interviews with numerous LA and DC plastic surgeons and beauty consultants. Reached in Missouri for his reaction, Sen Kerry dismissed the allegations of WMD, saying that his wrinkle-free, 60-year-old visage is the result of good life habits and having more money than God. To those who question whether his arresting good lucks are all-natural, JFK roared – BRING IT ON!

Reports also have been received that former Sect of State Madeleine Albright might have had some minor renovations done lately, so, we did a little checking and think that there may be something to this:

Circa 1999: November, 2003:


In other Developments …

Lord Hutton to Conduct Investigation into WMD Intelligence Lapses: The Bush Admin announced that Lord Hutton, fresh off a terrific job saving Tony Blair’s roasting chestnuts, will be appointed to conduct an independent inquiry into whether the White House manipulated intelligence about the presence of WMDs in Iraq. Once Hutton completes an introductory round of duck hunting with VP Dick Cheney, Sup Ct Justice Antonin Scalia and CIA Director George Tenet, he will assume his duties at a suite of offices in Crawford, Texas. The report is scheduled for release sometime in 2005, right after the FCC issues its report on Janet Jackson’s very public right breast.

Read this Book:

By Dee Garrison, Rutgers History Prof. Engaging narrative both of the life of Mary Heaton Vorse, a contemporary and collaborator with many early/mid- 20th century artists and labor/social activists – John Reed, Bill Haywood, Robert Minor, Susan Glaspell, Eugene O’Neill, John Dos Passos and Jig Cook – and resident chronicler of Provincetown for more than 50 years. Vorse was an honest, often politically homeless, voice for freedom and justice throughout an astonishing career as a journalist and author. Amazing woman and a great book!

And see some VerMeer!! Thumbnails of VerMeer’s best-known works. For a history and interpretation of each, and the ability to enlarge them, go to this website

And THEN see the movie – “Girl With a Pearl Earring”! Visually lush and engaging film, with a powerfully spare performance by Scarlett Johansson, and great support from Colin Firth as a gifted eunuch, Tom Wilkinson as a rich lecher and an assortment of austere and eccentric characters who bring vividly to life the dark, dour, two-dimensional images from the Dutch Masters.

Blast From the Past – click below to hear the sound of the Titanic’s three brass steam whistles, recovered from the depths after 85 years and sounding just like new

Image of Titanic at Cherbourg, France, April 1912

Geneva or Munich? Well-intentioned Israelis offer to trade the results of the 1967 war for Palestinian acceptance of the outcome of the 1948 war – but in reality offer a roadmap for the eventual undoing of Israel. Tough neighborhood for civilized folks to live in. See

Salute to Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton for her visit to Afghanistan and Iraq – as always HRC showed poise and sincerity during her tour of these embattled countries, doing all she could to lift the morale of the troops, especially when at the urging of travelling companion Sen Chris Dodd of Connecticut, she appeared on stage in Kabul as …


Take that Bill – why eat out when the food at home is just fine?

In the “What are the Italians Up To?” Department: In three drag races between the top Euro-fighter aircraft and a Ferrari, the good news for the Euro Air Force is that their plane won … twice. The bad news is that most foreign air forces fly planes and not Ferraris, except the Italian Air Force (“It A Force” for short), which relies mostly on Fiats and Alfa Romeos operating under cover of darkness. Plans are underway for test races of the Euro-Fighter against Lance Armstrong, which promises the EAF a clean sweep, barring a collision with his bike. See We really don’t make (all of) this stuff up!

Off to the diner for lunch …

AND .. A … NOW …


Lindsay News:

Well, I’m in Austria this week (spring vacation) with the Masco Chorale, where we’ll spend time touring Vienna and Saltzburg and also performing on three different occasions, including selections from Mozart’s Reqiuem. Miss everyone at home! See you soon. Auf Wiedersehn!!

Equus was a blast! It was a fun change acting in a drama rather than a musical. Never throught I’d get to portray a blindly pious mother, at least at my age.

Fresh off a supporting role in Les Mis (a smash hit at Masco – yay My West!!), I’m already working on playing the mother in “Equus,” due up in February. No singing this time, but lots of interesting dialogue to master and lots of fun at rehearsal! Off to Vienna and Salzburg in the spring, and until then having fun singing at holiday events, like the Topsfield tree lighting! Thanks again, Mr O! You’re the best!

Lindsay continues her theatrical pursuits, adding to her prior supporting role in “Annie” (Ipswich Community Theatre) and the lead as John Adams in Masco Jr High’s “1776” (now on DVD!), a bloody murder victim in “In The Mind,” one of three short features in Masco Sr High’s very first Film Festival. Soon she’ll be in Masco’s production of “Tommy,” and in February is off to Broadway to see how the pros do it. Thanks to Mr West and Mr Ocock for making all these theatrical and musical opportunities possible at Masco!!

“Tommy” turned out very well – extremely large and enthusiastic audiences each night; good singing and acting, great live band and some really funny interaction with the 1st row of the audience. Great cast party at Kowloon closing night!

School Band/Chorus trip to NYC end of February was great – took in NY Philharmonic at Lincoln Center, Met Museum of Art, Times Square, “Lion King” on Broadway and linked up with Dad for the rest of the weekend, including some beautiful, early spring warmth and sunshine in Central Park. Some essential shopping at Virgin Megastore in Times Sq rounded out things nicely! And got to fly home instead of taking the bus.

Now, off to the Pingree School in Hamilton, where I’ll be a Camp Counselor – my first summer job. How will I ever find the time to spend my salary?

For pics of Lindsay and other cast members in “1776” – go to

AND for a link to Lindsay’s movie “In the Mind,” (not Lindsay on the poster) go to

Recent example of Linzarooni’s sparkling wit: Lindsay to unsuspecting waitress: “Hi, my name in Lindsay and I’ll be your servee tonight!” Or, how about, “what would you say to a little dinner?” “Why dinner, you’re so small!”

Spring concerts were great – another big thank you to Mr O! Seven weeks until summer vacation – but lots of papers, projects and a Bio SAT 2 before the alarm clock is silenced for a few months.

Amy News:

My IPod is my new best friend; much more useful than a brother. Should see some serious battery drain over April vacation!

Johnny Depp continues as my principal obsession – go see “Finding Neverland”! It’s great, even if it seriously glosses over Mr Barrie’s gross philandering with a married woman (no widow in real life his neighbor) and arguably unwholesome attraction to the little ones! Gotta wtach out for those 5 footers!

Well, enough of this, back to the couch for another installment of surreal house or whatever reality tedium MTV is serving up today!

Most unhappy that Johnny Depp was not properly recognized and rewarded at the Golden Globes! But, he’s up for best actor oscar and if I was a member of the “Academy,” he’d have my vote. Glad LOTR ROTK won the Golden Globe and Oscar for best film. Wish winter were done. Disney World was fun – but it was TOO SUNNY AND HOT! I need a vacation at the Northshore Mall! A climate-controlled environment rich in CDs and clothes!

Luke News:

April vacation and I’m on new business hours – 11am to 1am; sweet!

The Vid Game situation has taken a turn for the better with my recent acquisition of XBox and some games – Halo is most satisfactory; hope I can fit school in around it. :)) Dad showed my how to use a chain saw – may come in handy some day… Waitin on Christmas to improve my balance sheet and support some equity-based post-Xmas bargain hunting for more Vids!

Graduation today! (June 18, 2004). Off to Masco in the fall, but for now no more alarm clock and no schedule! Thanks Mrs Sorenson, for a great year!

Current academic endeavors: Study of ancient Greece (is there a modern one?) – Odysseus, Thermopolae, Troy, Harpies, Stables, Horseshit and Snakes at eye level! Atoms, fractional division and this and that round out my days now. When will spring arrive??

Recently saw “Cat in the Hat” and says – TWO THUMBS WAY DOWN. Says Lukie: “I did not like the movie, not even a little bit. It lacked literary integrity, but it’s sure to be a hit. The society we live in values consumers, honors buyers, so the studios give us J-Lo, Britney and Mike Myers.” Good grief!


Bionicles are very popular toys and they managed to make a three star movie. I came to this conclusion the second time I saw this film. I started to like it because I was interested in the story’s theme – a war between good and evil robots fighting for control of the Island of Matanui. After much battling, the powers of light conquered those of darkness – BIG SURPRISE EH?

“Hark, the Walmart ads proclaim, DVDs and video games. Marked-down shirts and Coleman stoves, credit cards maxed out in droves….” This is not the true meaning of Christmas, Charlie Brown!

Got my PS2 – working on cheats to all my new vids – driving around virtual Miami, jacking cars and popping da bad guys in the hood! Doing my homework too, time permitting!

Elena’s driving me crazy these days, but on the good side summer is just about here, and I can move into the shed for July and August – have some privacy and work on my Lego Missile Defense Shield system, which I’m hopeful can be sold to the Defense Dept, enabling me to buy my own home and an off-road 4-wheeler. Gotta get busy!

Elena News:

June 9, 2005 – Spofford Pond Pops Night! All of us in the chorus had a blast! Thanks to everyone involved, parents and teachers, for helping out!

I’m “ANNIE”! in the current Northshore JCC production at Salem High School, May 19-22! You can see me and my Big Sista Lindsay as Miss Hannigan!

April vacation has its pluses and minuses – sleeping late and staying up late are good, but my weekday exposure to the Luke Monster ramps up unpleasantly. Need to schedule some tactical sleepovers off-site to keep this all in check! Help!!

Hi! Summer was boring but school’s good – finishing up at Spofford, so I can move on up to Masco Middle and resume my favorite hobby – reminding everyone at school that I’m Luke’s little sister. Ha!! Until then, I’m playing soccer (outdoor and indoor), picking up Footsol, probably will play basketball, and am loving school, mostly.

Hope to go to New York this winter to see some Broadway shows! Probably will miss original cast of Wicked, but plan to see it anyway very soon! More later…

After much soul-searching, Elena decided not to enter the Democratic presidential primaries next year, citing the constitutional impediment to an 11-year old being elected, Al Gore’s early and surprise endorsement of Howard Dean and the desire to devote her limited Christmas money to more immediate, personal pursuits, such as video games and books. She’s mulling a run in ’08, when the field should be much smaller – Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and Wesley Clark’s sister, Petula. Intensity of chess rivalry with bro-Lucas climbing to new heights – allegations of cheating and generally unfair (pronounced when really agitated “UNFAYA”) behavior also on rise, but have been referred to the proper authorities for resolution. Just got a new mouse cage – three stories with travel tubes, porches and a huge red exercise wheel – now for the mice…only one so far this winter.

Got a neat telescope for Christmas – now it needs to get warm enough so I can take it outdoors and look for the robots on Mars!

March 11-13, I’m part of the Chorus for the Scarlet Pimpernel (at first thought it was pumpernickel!) at the Congregational Church in Georgetown. Rehearsals toward the end were pretty long and tiring, but now it’s show time and alot of fun!

Movie review – “Haunted Mansion ok; one thumb tentaively up … But really, isn’t Eddie Murphy more talented than this slick commercial stuff? How about a biopic of Scott Joplin, Matthew Henson or Lionel Richie!” How about “Lionel Richie – Brick House Beethoven”?

Book Reviews: “The Spy Who Wore Shades” – It was a good idea but it was portrayed poorly in the book. The characters were unlike their discriptions. It lost my interest. Overall Grade:C

“Winter Birds”:

It was a great book. It showed great effort. Although it had some adult content, overall it kept me interested from cover to cover. Overall Grade:A+


It was the best! It was long, but it was great. The portrayal of the characters was magical . Read it and love it! Overall Grade:A++++++++++++

Hoping Lukie’s Lego boondoggle works out so he CAN buy that house and stop bugging me! Jeez. Soccer has started again and now if I can get my math problems done, I’ll soon be swimming and hangin’ wit my posse for da summa!

Boxford Bandits Win Danvers Tournament! My U-12 soccer team, the Boxford Bandits, won the 13th annual Danvers Invitational Soccer Tournament, going 5 – 0 over the windy and rather cool Memorial Day weekend. The final game was a double overtime cliffhanger, which we won on a game-ending shootout, with our goalie – Ellis Koenig – grabbing the win with some incredible netminding. Yippee for us!! Thanks to Coach Carey Peterson for all her hard work and support!

To Pingree School for post-season tournament! Hope we win!!!